It’s hard to see the kingdom of God when there is nothing
physically there.
I think a lot of people struggle with falling into the
temptations and benefits this world has to offer. At some point in our lives,
we chase constantly after a world that keeps breaking our hearts and never
brings us joy or any sense of self worth. I fall into this category often, and
thankfully I have friends who remind me that this world truly has nothing to
I have never really understood why so many Christians want
to follow things in this world when they know the joy Christ brings, and have
known it for their entire lives. Why would you trade something that holds you
together, gives you a purpose, and has an indescribable love for you and
everyone around you? Doing drugs or drinking too much makes you forget about
troubles, but they come right back when you sober up. Relationships can be
great for a multitude of things, but ultimately every single human being you
meet will let you down at some point. Distracting yourself with schoolwork or
even regular work only leaves you empty and stressed out. I know all of these
things because I have experienced them all on a personal level to varying
I came to know Christ as my Savior a little over three years
ago, and since then my life has been a roller coaster ride. My friends have
told me that I have an advantage in this life because I know what it’s like to
live without Christ, so I can resist “worldly temptations” more easily. I have
to disagree with that. Just because I know and can remember what my life
without Christ looked like does not mean that I struggle any less than they do
daily. I think sometimes that factor helps me stay connected with God because I
know how empty it is without Him, but I still struggle.
I think it’s kind of comical that there are so many songs,
sermons, and books written of this subject so often. I think that I think it’s
funny because people who are constantly surrounded and loved by the body of
Christ have it better than most of the population and they don’t even realize
it. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when I hear my friends complain about
their family or other people in their lives, because most of the people in
their lives love the Lord and are just trying to help them in their walk.
Be happy with the people that are in your life who are
teaching you how to live a Godly life. Cherish those influences, because you
don’t know if they’ll always be there, and you don’t know how much they are
truly teaching you until you look at the things you learned from them as they
were teaching you.
“One day we’ll touch the face of our God, and our sorrows
will disappear.”
That is a day I wish I could slap onto my calendar and count
down to. Unfortunately I have no control over when that day will do. None of us
do. As much as we like to think we have control over our lives, we are
mistaken, because there’s someone watching over us all the time playing out our
lives just the way He planned it before we were born. He sees us when we’re
sleeping, and he knows when we’re awake, and he’s one hundred times better than
Santa Claus.
This world is just a valley of ashes spray painted gold to
make it look pleasing. On the outside it looks good, but when you dig down deep
into it you won’t find anything you’re looking for