Beaten, battered, and bruised,
Oh, how the waves are amused.
Billowing down day after day
On the rocks who wish they could run far away.
No side left untouched
By the waves massive, dreadful clutch.
They just want to be free from the pain.
To see the sunny side of life
Which has been gone for so long.
But all they see is dark clouds and rain
They're scared they'll never see their bright sun again.
To feel his warm rays,
To get caught in his gaze
To finally just feel okay.
It goes on for days, but it feels like months
The rocks haven't seen the shining sun once.
They try to cling to the hope
That they'll see him soon.
Some just give up.
They get pulled to their doom.
The deep, dark, hopeless abyss.
A thunderous clap and the rock's gone amiss.
But no matter how broken,
No matter how shattered
The other rocks felt
They learned to embrace the hurricane.
Eventually they would rise above it,
They'd learn how to get hit
And still to survive.
All of their hope and strength
Would be placed in their dreams of seeing the sun again.
That one day the battle would be one
Their weaknesses overcome
But only because of their faith in the sun.
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